The ‘Made in China’ label is omnipresent as the Chinese have made a name for themselves in the manufacturing industry. Some are creative, some are artistic, many are essential and all are useful, making shopping an integral part of a stay at Beijing accommodation. There are certain goods and souvenirs that are better procured in specific cities of China as opposed to others, frequenters of the Ascott Beijing and similar dwellings would know to hoard spectacles and contact lenses, silks and leather goods when in town.

There are ancient manufacturing traditions and techniques passed on from generation to generation which bring to life some exquisite creations such as cloisonnĂ©. Highly decorated and elaborate ornaments, vessels, and pots made using metal which is found only in this part of the world. They make wonderful keepsakes and giveaways as they are unique, colourful and useful. Chinese silks were the reason for the ancient trade route to be named the ‘Silk Route’ and these silks have stood the test of time. Silk clothes, shawls, bags, and hats are widely available on commercial streets and in bazaars.

The Chinese freshwater pearls formed into bracelets, ear drops, necklaces, and ornaments are found in most shops. When you feel the imperfect round and the vitreous shine you know for sure it is an actual pearl and not a fake. The snuff bottles containing tobacco powder which was considered a medicine in ancient times was a symbol of status at one time, however, today it is kept for traditional and ornamental purposes. The ever famous Chinese fans and umbrellas are two more iconic souvenirs which should not be missed when picking up trinkets in town. The fans are used by ladies in traditional dances and to fan themselves gracefully at large gatherings held outdoors. The umbrellas are flattish and suit one person but come in elegant colours and styles.

Filled with wanderlust that seeks to explore distant shores and captivated by the colors and vibrancy of exotic cultures, Kanya Mae writes on the beautiful, exciting, and enchanting wonders of the world. She is a writer who not only has a passion for travel, but also has a background in fashion, art and media.
